In our GP practice the general practitioners and other care providers act as the first point of contact for people with their primary health questions. The GPs play a central role in the total health care system. The aim is to provide integrated, person-oriented, continuous, safe and high-quality care which is evidence-based.
Our GP practice subscribes to the guidelines of the KNMG (Royal Dutch Medical Association) and LHV (National GP Association) in its services to patients. In the GP practice, work is done according to the protocols of the NHG (Dutch College of General Practitioners). The focus is on continuous education and further training of all employees in accordance with the latest standards and insights within general practitioner care, in order to offer the patient the best possible and safe care. An integral part of the learning cycle within the GP practice is a secured embedding of the acquired knowledge and insights in processes and working methods. The GP practice aims at maximum verifiability, both internally and externally.
Our GP practice is an accredited practice and is a training practice for physicians in training to become general practitioners. Every year the GP practice imposes on itself improvement plans in order to better the care offered. The GP practice tries to implement all 'chain care' programs for chronic patients which are offered by the ROHA (Regional Organization General Practitioners Amsterdam). This allows indicated patients to receive this structured care as close as possible to their own living environment.